Wednesday, January 21, 2009

the big takeover.

So, for the last couple of weeks, I've been getting phone calls from people while doing my radio show asking if I have some sort of blog or website where I post my playlists, and I always feel bad saying no. And since I have now been asked this by multiple people that I do not even know, I've concluded that people actually listen to my show and therefore I should make blog for it.

Hi, blog.

Unfortunately I do not have my most recent playlist at hand right now to post in here, and in fact I am not even at the radio station as I am writing this. BUT. The good news: I am on the radio tonight. And every Wednesday night/Thursday morning.


Listen. It will be a good time. ^_^

And, since this entry kind of feels like a waste since there is not really anything in it, I figured why not tell the story behind the name of my show. 

It actually comes from two places.

1. "The Big Takeover" is one of my favorite Bad Brains songs. 

2. My freshman year of college I went to the University of New Haven (and totally hated it, but that's another story), and joined this "club" called HMS 101. I say club because it was run more like a class. HMS stood for Honing Music Skills, and this upperclassman named Marquis ran the whole thing. Marquis knows more about the music industry than anyone I have ever met before in my life, and the whole point of HMS was basically to learn exactly how the industry works, and, if you wanted to be a performer, perform everywhere you possibly can (including street corners!), and if you wanted to be involved with say, being an A&R or engineer or promoter, or anything else of the sort, you would have to do research on whatever job you chose and call up record labels all over the place trying to get internships (even if they were in California and you had no intention of going to California in the first place because we were stuck in West Haven). Now, being very much into indie and underground music, I was kind of the rebel of this club/class/whatever you want to call it, because the things we were being taught applied more to mainstream music and major record labels. Some of the bands I listen to are on labels that are only run by 1 or 2 people! So why pick only job that you want to do in this class?! When I first met Marquis and signed up for HMS, he asked me what I wanted to do in the music industry, and I, the young not-even-old-enough-to-vote freshman who listens to really obscure punk bands, responded, "Everything!" And he laughed, and said that you can't possibly do everything in the music industry.

Ever since that day, I have made it my goal to do as many awesome things involving music in some way as I possibly can. I also transferred my sophomore year, and was forced to change my major since UConn doesn't have my old major (which was originally music industry, but I changed it two months into the school year to music & sound recording.). So once I was at UConn, having a radio show seemed like a really sweet idea, because a) it would be fulfilling part of my goal to do as many awesome music-related things as possible, and b) I could play with mixing boards since I wouldn't be able to take classes in recording studios at my new school. 

Thus, The Big Takeover was born. 


P.S. I am quite in love with this layout. Polka dots = <3

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